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Showing posts from February, 2018


I wholeheartedly believe that life is meant for great adventure. Which is why traveling is my passion; I left home on O'ahu just to be able to travel more frequently by living on the mainland. Second best thing to exploring the globe are "staycations". I love discovering the many beautiful settings Southern California has to offer - a days journey can take you from the beach, to the snowy mountains.  Sometimes, you'll find a place that feels like you've stepped into another country; maybe even another era.  This occasion felt like both - and was exactly what I envisioned with this darling  Stop Staring  dress.  This is  the  dress that makes you feel girly yet glamorous... even if all you intend to do for the day is head to the grocery store.  I'll be honest - white is usually a color I steer clear from... though after spending the day frolicking around in this beauty, I get it now.  The same way we ladies need to own that "little...

Ready for Spring

Though it's only February, it's already feeling like spring here in sunny, southern California.  That definitely isn't a complaint either; being from Hawai'i and living in Seattle for 8 years, I've longed for the warmer seasons and am definitely catching up on all that missed sunshine! One of my favorite things about living in California is being able to wear pretty dresses year-round.  Which is really handy, as about 89% of my wardrobe are hoarded dresses due to many years of vintage (and vintage inspired) collecting, collaborating with companies and just being a dress lover in general.  That said, one of my most collected brands that I'll be featuring today is  Trashy Diva. I discovered Trashy Diva a few years back, when a beautifully constructed mid-century/atomic themed set of theirs caught my eye; I couldn't believe it was a reproduction! Since then, for many reasons, they've been a favorite. Not only do their 1940's-50's i...

For Sweethearts

Hello, loves!  After much contemplation (procrastination?), I finally have a picture filled blog post, as promised!  If you follow me on Instagram , you'll know that I frequently do style/O.O.T.D. posts, however, I only showcase a couple of photos from a complete set.  Therefore, the purpose of this blog will be to provide much more content, as well as keep up with requested inquiries on look specifics and give more detailed feedback on each look.  It's been a long time coming and I'm excited to begin this project with you guys!  Since we are honing in on Valentine's Day, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to kick off with a themed post  - what better than a baby pink dress paired with complimentary ivory lingerie?  Whether you will be celebrating Valentine's Day with a loved one, friends or family, or by treating yourself (which I highly encourage), it cannot be denied that this is a perfect opportunity to dress up! ...